and . . . He breathed His last.
The four Gospels variously record Christ’s last living act on the cross as: “yielded up His spirit” (Matthew), “breathed His last” (Mark and Luke), and “gave up His spirit” (John). […]
The four Gospels variously record Christ’s last living act on the cross as: “yielded up His spirit” (Matthew), “breathed His last” (Mark and Luke), and “gave up His spirit” (John). […]
“God is interested in beauty. God made people to be beautiful. And beauty has a place in the worship of God.”
Let’s do some word study! Yeah, I know, that sounds as fun as diagramming sentences (something I always enjoyed, BTW) but we really can’t discuss worship without understanding the word […]
[note: this post first appeared on March 17, 2020. Circumstances have begun to change gradually of late but “normality” is still far away. Thus, the point of this brief writing, […]
“many Christians have no meaningful vision for why the church gathers; for why we sing, preach, and pray.”
In both Colossians 3 and Ephesians 5, Paul uses the phrase “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” when commanding the church to use music in its discipleship. Are these terms three […]
Well, I’ll leave you to look up the Blazing Saddles reference yourself if it’s unfamiliar but, while you’re here, I do have some questions for you to consider: Where do […]
Holy Week is behind us with a mixture of relief and fulfillment as we bask in the afterglow of remembering the resurrection. But the music minister has no time to […]
It is merely a recognition, hopefully correct, of a principle Paul took for granted that can be inferred from the structure and context of Eph 5:18-21 and Col 3:16: namely, our use of music, and especially music in worship, is essential to the proper development of Christian character.
In yesterday’s services one of our hymns was The Solid Rock (My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less) with text written by Edward Mote (1834). It’s a wonderful hymn of […]