and . . . He breathed His last.

The four Gospels variously record Christ’s last living act on the cross as: “yielded up His spirit” (Matthew), “breathed His last” (Mark and Luke), and “gave up His spirit” (John). […]

Art and the Bible

“God is interested in beauty. God made people to be beautiful. And beauty has a place in the worship of God.”

On Christian Worship: TOGETHERNESS

[note: this post first appeared on March 17, 2020. Circumstances have begun to change gradually of late but “normality” is still far away. Thus, the point of this brief writing, […]

Summer Solutions?

Holy Week is behind us with a mixture of relief and fulfillment as we bask in the afterglow of remembering the resurrection. But the music minister has no time to […]

Music’s Role in Ephesians and Colossians

It is merely a recognition, hopefully correct, of a principle Paul took for granted that can be inferred from the structure and context of Eph 5:18-21 and Col 3:16: namely, our use of music, and especially music in worship, is essential to the proper development of Christian character.

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